
Showing posts with the label Testing the pencil

Test the pencil

(Not to be mistaken for the pencil test)  If the requirement for a pencil was to write 10 pages, and during testing the pencil ended up writing 12 pages. What should the testers do? Pass it or fail? Should the testers PASS the pencil test because the result was better than expected? Should the testers FAIL the pencil test because the result was not per spec? May the testers ask for more specs regarding the weight and thickness of the overall pencil? May the testers ask for more specs regarding the weight and thickness of the lead core? Should the testers re-test the darkness of the writing? Should the testers use other kinds of paper for executing re-testing? What would you do as a tester? Why should you do anything else besides testing and giving a pass or fail? Possible defects –  Longer pencil than mentioned in spec Thinner lead core than mentioned in spec; Possible concerns –  More money is being spent on the pencil Less return of investment ma...