
Bystander Effect

Have you ever seen a bug in an application but no one on the team seems to log the bug. You too fall in a dilemma - to log or not to log the bug. When I asked around, about why someone would ignore to log a bug that is starring in their face, The answers I got in the order of frequency - I don't think this is our team's issue. I don't think it is an important issue. I think it is a one time issue. Logging this bug will delay the sign off on this build. I am sure some one else logged it. This is a known issue we don't need to log it. This is how it seems to function all the time. I don't think this is a bug. I don't think they can fix this issue. Why should I log it when everyone else ignored it? The reason for this kind of attitude seems to be same as the  Bystander effect  where individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present.  Now, what could be a reason for this kind of reaction? Diffusion ...

Vanilla Ice Cream caused General motors to not start

Vanilla Ice Cream that puzzled General motors’!!!! An Interesting Story Never underestimate your Clients' Complaint, no matter how funny it might seem! This is a real story that happened between the customer of General Motors and its Customer-Care Executive. Pls read on..... A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors: 'This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of Ice-Cream for dessert after dinner each night, but the kind of ice cream varies so, every night, after we've eaten, the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream we should have and I drive down to the store to get it. It's also a fact that I recently purchased a new Pontiac and since then my trips to the store have created a problem..... You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice-cream, when I start back from the store my car won...

Bugs you see Bugs you don't

The sight of fruit flies swarming over fruit is gross. the first thought that comes to the mind is get rid of the flies. The sight of a burger with fries is mouth watering. The first though that comes to the mind is eat it. It looks good, it looks good even after a few months. No mold, no flies, and it is finger yummy. Let's take a closer look. The fruit is organic and yummy. Of course the bugs want a piece of something good. The organic fruit is not long lasting, it decays pretty fast. The burger and its ingredients are over processed (probably with chemicals) to last a very long time and to withstand transportation and taste the same no matter where in the country (sorry world) it is made. We view bugs as a bad thing. Too many bugs as a very bad thing. We are brainwashed to viewing bugs as a bad thing. If the product worked right, it should not have any bugs. But all bugs are not equal. Most are easy to fix (like a CSS alignment are harmless), especially...

Tester vs Acceptance Criteria Checker

Tester Acceptance Criteria Checker Requirements A tester knows that even if the product meets the requirement to the T , the product could totally suck. So, they do not rely too much on the requirement to measure product quality. A checker is heavily reliant on showing the acceptance criteria is met. They won’t go into testing without a document. Test Cases A tester writes product based test cases. They  ensure test case longevity with data set up and tear down info for fast execution A checker checks the acceptance criteria. They do not know they need to plan for the future, they focus on the bare minimum. BUGS A tester works to find issues that wont show on the surface A checker works to find issues inside and within the acceptance criteria. Purpose A tester explores the product and understands what it does and how is does it. A checker checks the surface ...

Can SCRUM save Shark projects

I just watched a movie called Shark Exorcist (It is a real movie, someone wrote a story and spent money on making it - ). I was thinking about what could have made the movie better since a team of people worked on it, they must have had hopes for it. I mean when we make dinner, we want it to be really tasty! When we put on makeup, we want to look pretty! So, what could have been done to make this movie better? Answer : Obviously, Not make the movie at all.  I got to thinking - if the makers used the waterfall methodology to make this movie they may not have had a chance to look at the whole product till the very end, so they may not have known about the lameness of the movie. If they had used SCRUM methodology in the movie making, they might have realized they were just wasting money and might have scraped the project in its initial stages and my 5 minutes would have been used on another terrible shark movie.  (watched in Fast For...

Diapers and User Stories

Once upon a time disposable diapers just were invented for people as a substitute to washable diapers. They added convenience for unplanned outings and emergencies. But when they were understood as the norm and taken for granted, the result was more landfills occupied with junk that takes more than 500 years to decompose. Advantage – anyone could take care of the child and people were not tied to the child. Disadvantage – babies who used to be potty-trained by 18 months take 36 + months now. Once upon a time user stories were suggested in agile methodology for unplanned needs about which much was unclear but there was a need, an unplanned need, but a valid need. This enabled anyone to be able to write requirements and put them through the backlog. But when they were understood by the upper management as norm and taken for granted, the result is lots of user stories (most of them poorly written) that look the same and take longer to understand and implement and resul...

Badass, Bad, Ass

Badass people do not need introduction. They are awesome by default. They are passionate in their jobs. They know themselves. They respect others. They see potential. They see possibilities. They do not stick to sameness unless the sameness is also as badass as they are. They don't have impossible in their vocabulary. They won't be heros today, but they are Gods. With badass people, I don't have to dumb myself down. I can be myself. I can even be a better me. I feel human. Bad people are not characteristically bad. They are just morons. They are not even good at what they do. They fear even the slightest change. They are insecure. They hang on to legacy practices and technologies. They are slow as f.... It is sad to work these people. It is depressing. You can try and teach them new things or better things but they won't get it. In this case what does not kill you does not make you stronger. It just makes you crazy. Ass people are characteristically like th...