Badass, Bad, Ass

Badass people do not need introduction. They are awesome by default. They are passionate in their
jobs. They know themselves. They respect others. They see potential. They see possibilities. They do not stick to sameness unless the sameness is also as badass as they are. They don't have impossible in their vocabulary. They won't be heros today, but they are Gods.

With badass people, I don't have to dumb myself down. I can be myself. I can even be a better me. I feel human.

Bad people are not characteristically bad. They are just morons. They are not even good at what they do. They fear even the slightest change. They are insecure. They hang on to legacy practices and technologies. They are slow as f....

It is sad to work these people. It is depressing. You can try and teach them new things or better things but they won't get it. In this case what does not kill you does not make you stronger. It just makes you crazy.

Ass people are characteristically like the bad people, but they have learnt to make noise. They are
oxymorons who impede progress. They make a lot of noise over things that matter most to them. They squash real issues impacting the quality of work just because it does not serve their purpose. They are back stabbers.

They put fear into others. They create self doubt. They do take credit for other's work shamelessly. They withhold information to look like heros. They will excel and fool people into thinking they are more than they really are.


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