
Tool is only as good as the user

As a SDET, I believe that the automation tools wrongly called testing tools, can do no testing. It is a tool that does what I tell it to do. I can tell it to go through all the pages and it will. I can tell it to pass a failed test and it will pass. I can tell it to fail the whole application and it will fail. Once again, it is a tool that does what I tell it to do. Kind of like this story -  Once upon a time there was a King who owned a device that worked like a lie detector. The device had a pointer that would point to the left when a person wearing it lied, and to the right when the person spoke the truth. The king was very happy that he found a device that will help him in judging people rightfully. The minister was concerned though. He did not believe the device was of such great use. He also feared, if would cause harm in certain cases. One day the cops brought in a farmer who killed his landlord.  The cops put the device ("lie detector") around the farmer&#

If testing was like sex

No wonder most Software out there is f...ed up and violated!! According to Freud - the unconscious mind and the primary motivation for all things in life is sex. So, I am comparing software testing  behavior to making love during my leisure (bored out of mind) time. One more reason for doing this - both these subjects are kind of taboo even in the most open minded culture. A first time virgin tester does their best, completes the job as their instincts tell them and from all the documentation (videos) they had learnt from. But they know there is more to it than just completing the task. In a stress free environment, the tester is enthusiastic and wants to give their best because the application deserves the best (in order to improve the product, make it bug free). So, they get the book  that contains all the various techniques for completing the task. They learn and apply all that they learnt. During the process they understand there is no way in hell they can go through some te