If testing was like sex

No wonder most Software out there is f...ed up and violated!!

According to Freud - the unconscious mind and the primary motivation for all things in life is sex. So, I am comparing software testing  behavior to making love during my leisure (bored out of mind) time. One more reason for doing this - both these subjects are kind of taboo even in the most open minded culture.

A first time virgin tester does their best, completes the job as their instincts tell them and from all the
documentation (videos) they had learnt from. But they know there is more to it than just completing the task.

In a stress free environment, the tester is enthusiastic and wants to give their best because the application deserves the best (in order to improve the product, make it bug free). So, they get the book that contains all the various techniques for completing the task. They learn and apply all that they learnt. During the process they understand there is no way in hell they can go through some techniques, due to lack of time or lack of more knowledge or it just does not make sense.

In a stressful environment, the tester does not dare to attempt more than what is expected. The job is complete and that is all that matters. They do not have the luxury of knowing the application more. Besides no on ever got fired for missing a bug.

In a perfect environment, the tester does not just jump in to finish the task. They get to know the application. The more they understand the application, the better they can plan their tests. They may be the one or they may not be the one. They wont know more till they explore.

A knowledgeable tester will realize it is the best thing to step down if they are not equipped to test the product.
An intelligent tester will train themselves to gain the knowledge necessary to test the product.
An average tester will just hang in there and look busy while doing their best.

A tester that takes the time to learn about the application and takes the time to explore it can come up with the best possible tests suitable for the particular application. Every application is unique with certain similarities. They may all look the same but they come from different places. Their needs are different. Their environments are different. They are made differently. They are made with sugar and spice and everything nice. (lol)

Do not assume your application is your female dog. Know your application accept it with all its flaws and respect it. Then custom design your tests. Never stop exploring. There is no stopping you now.


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